There was a recent surrogacy news article about a Dutch gay couple and their surrogate. She gave birth and the couple was very happy…until the DNA test came back and the baby was actually the Traditional Surrogate’s and her husband’s baby girl. How did this happen? Apparently, the surrogate and her husband had intercourse instead of abstaining when she should have. Needless to say, the gay couple had to give the baby back. You can read all about this case here: ‘As gay parents, you actually have no rights,’ Janssen told the AD. ‘Everything depends on the mother’s willingness and good faith. Apart from an internet checklist, we had nothing on paper.’ It seems that they skipped may steps including drawing up a contract!
This is just one of many examples as to why hiring professionals to assist you during the surrogacy process is so important. DNA testing, especially within a traditional arrangement, can be so important. Don't skimp on surrounding yourself with knowledgeable and competent professionals.