In Vitro Fertilization is a true miracle to those needing extra help conceiving a child. Sometimes IVF alone is not the answer, especially for gay couples or women with medical conditions like cancer. When another woman is needed, a gestational carrier, IVF breathes new hope into a once seemingly hopeless situation.
No fertility clinic that I know will guarantee a pregnancy on the first attempt of IVF (or on the 4th attempt for that matter) The intended parents are the people who usually choose the RE/clinic so we all hope that they have done their homework regarding live birth statistics. All involved also hope that any embryos that are made and transferred are of great quality. They hope that the eggs and sperm are from the most perfect source. There is a LOT of hope involved in IVF BUT, surprise surprise, even if everything is deemed A+, Grade 1, “Excellent”, and the carrier has the “best lining I have ever seen” the IVF process can still fail! And because of this fact, the surrogacy agreement often will state that it will cover the time frame of up to 3 IVF attempts.
My best advice beyond “expect the worst but hope for the best” is for intended parents to do their research and find the best clinic they can afford. Secondly, be prepared for an IVF cycle not to work for no good reason. Everyone is doing their job and it will still fail because we are human and nothing is perfect. Keep the hope, follow doctor’s orders, know that you are not alone but be realistic. Everyone wants the same thing. A healthy pregnancy and birth.