Find your perfect Egg Donor at Family Inceptions!
Making the choice between a frozen egg cycle and a fresh egg donor cycle can feel confusing. On one hand, it would seem as though using an egg that hasn’t been frozen and thawed would have better results. But on the other hand, the doctors are telling you that frozen egg cycles are just as successful as fresh ones. So which choice is right for you? Here is a look at how these two methods differ.
Fresh Donor Cycles
A fresh donor cycle is one that is completed in real time. Your donor will not have her medical cycle or egg extraction until after you choose her, so there will be more lead up time to get your eggs and, ultimately, to having your embryo transfer.
In a fresh donor cycle, doctors will work to stimulate your donor’s menstrual cycles with your cycle (or your surrogate’s cycle, if you’re one). The hope is that your donor’s eggs can be retrieved and fertilized just in time to be transferred directly to the uterus without having the need to be frozen. This can represent an additional amount of time between donor selection and transfer, and for some intended parents, that’s a deal killer.
While it is true that you’re less likely to lose embryos to the freezing or thawing process, the science shows that a fresh embryo transfer is not more successful, statistically than a transfer with a previously frozen embryo. So there is no disadvantage to choosing a fresh or frozen embryo transfer.
Financially, a fresh donor cycle will cost more than a frozen cycle. This is due in large part to the need to compensate your donor for her travel needs.
Finally, one perk of choosing fresh cycles is that you can freeze excess embryos. You’re more likely to wind up with more viable embryos as a result of a fresh transfer than a frozen one, which could increase the odds of a better, stronger embryo. Once you’ve selected the best embryos to transfer, you may freeze the remaining embryos for future transfers, or if all goes well, a future sibling. There will be no anxiety over finding the same donor in the future in order to ensure that future children share a biological mother and are related to each other.
Find about Frozen Cycles by clicking HERE!!
Family Inceptions looks forward to discussing these differences on the phone or in person.